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Two Days
Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 6:02 PM

You have to go on and be crazy. - Jimi Hendrix

The past two days have been both great and exhausting.

Yesterday, I went to the gym and it was horrible. I used every type of cardio equipment and it felt like hell for those two long hours. I'm unfortunately going again tomorrow; I made a promise to myself that I would go to the gym every other day.

Then after that I did more walking, which wasn't actually so tiring, surprisingly. My mom, Bianca (my cousin), and I walked to Trinoma to watch 17 Again—which I can't say much about because it was pretty much all that I expected: corny and predictable, but funny and pleasurable. Then I saw Karen after, which was both weird and funny. Additionally, that day we went shopping and my mom bought me new jeans, a vest (lol), and my much-awaited novel. The shopping made up a lot for my death-by-gym.

As for today, Bianca had slept over and after my piano lesson, we played Rock Band almost the whole afternoon; and the rest of it was spent concocting dessert: a mixture of graham crackers, cream, Hershey's Kisses, butter, and sugar cone. 

It didn't turn out so well. xD But hell, it's summer. Go crazy.

Summer Goals
Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ 6:23 PM

It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards. - Lewis Carroll

I have deleted my fugly-written blog entries, which became published because I was bored. As a result, I now realize that I must really do something this summer that will, firstly, make me sane again and secondly, make my blog entries, and summer in general, a lot more substantial and less forced.

That's why I've decided to organize (SHUT UP) my goals for the summer.

1. Review for college entrance exams. I'm not going to take review classes because my parents are violently against them, and anyway it's too late to register now, but I will be studying using the review books or whatever they're called.

2. Finish at least two more novels for the summer. I promised myself that this summer, I will read more and I am. So far I've finished Skylight Confessions, Remember Me?, and The Lovely Bones; right now I'm reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter, and hopefully I get to read Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice—I've been planning to read an English classic.

3. Watch more movies. HAHA. It's summer, okay? I can do whatever I want. 8D I really want to see those classic movies from the eighties/nineties era like GoodFellas and Raging Bull. (I tried to see The Godfather series, but I was so sleepy it was past midnight.) Hopefully I'll get around to watching the present/upcoming movies too because I really want to see Earth, Duplicity, 17 Again (ahaha), The Soloist, etc.

4. Cook. This will sound weird, but I just want to cook at least something for the summer. I want to learn/do something new. So far I have these pretty good-sounding recipes from Ellie Krieger. Hope that all goes well.

5. Learn a new language. Preferably, Italian. Since I'm not taking review classes then I might as well take up some extracurricular affair. Hopefully there are still those summer workshops/classes and I'm not too late to enroll. If I am, then there is the gym (damn you parents!) and maybe there's some random job I can do, if I find any.

6. Finish learning the Canon and practice more. This, I really need to work on. xD My piano classes have just been getting so blah lately, but I am practicing the Canon a lot. I just hope to finish the whole 11-page piece soon. D:

7. Go somewheeere. I can't do a lot about this, but I just want to go somewhere summer-y! And not just one-day or overnight stays (which are so lame by the way). I want to go to Boracay or Palawan or somewhere. It's fucking vacation for Chrissake.

Adaptation Worries
Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 3:17 PM

Because we love making movies! - Quentin Tarantino

So, I just found out that a lot of good books are going to be movies for this year or other. Jane Eyre, The Lovely Bones, My Sister's Keeper, The Time Traveler's Wife—and to be honest I'm quite skeptical.

With Jane Eyre and The Lovely Bones, not so much. Ellen Page will be Jane Eyre and she's just true greatness (and yes I have seen her in something that wasn't Juno) so I think I'll like it. With The Lovely Bones, I'm pretty settled with it because Peter Jackson's quite promising and Saoirse Ronan was amazing in Atonement and Stanley Tucci is great though unfortunately underrated. So for the two, the only thing that bugs me is the script. Hopefully they do justice to the novels, but still make it original and just as great.

Unfortunately with My Sister's Keeper and The Time Traveler's Wife, I'm really scared. Because these are two books that I hold close to my heart, and I mean, I cried reading those books. So once I heard that the filmmakers changed the ending for My Sister's Keeper, and I'm thinking Abigail Breslin's character isn't going to die anymore, the whole film will probably just turn out to be some sappy feel-good piece that just isn't the case with this book. So like. Grah.

As for Traveler's, I do love Eric Bana/Rachel McAdams as Henry/Clare. But after seeing Benjamin Button, I just feel like anything touched by Brad Pitt is gonna turn out wrong. And I can't believe Gus Van Sant wasn't chosen to direct. (Why didn't those negotiations take place? D:)

But crap. I hope they turn out fine.

Pretty Happy
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 10:15 PM

I just wanted to be an ordinary parish priest. - Martin Scorsese

(Okay sorry I just thought that was really funny.)


I'm at a loss for words with my grades. I expected shit grades, but I got really nice-enough-for-me-not-to-cry-or-kill-myself grades, which basically means I got grades better than I expected.

Especially in English.

I mean, OMG, an A minus? I had already programmed my brain to accept that I didn't have any hope to get an A minus at all, and now I'm having the worst time processing my actual grade. I just ... I can't believe it. I'm seriously shocked. FUCKING HELL, I GOT AN A MINUS IN ENGLISH. I find that amazing ... I love you, Miss Castillo. *cries*

Anyway my other grades are pretty good too, I think. Because, with the exception of CL (haha, CL), all my grades either improved or stayed the same—which, if you're me who beats herself up for being such an academical fucker, is sincerely uplifting. My Chem went up, and Geom, and Filipino. Three subjects that I find difficult. And. That's pretty amazing. (God, I'm such a loser.)

And with CL, yeah, I was downgraded to a B. But then you know, it's CL, so I'm sadly indifferent. And it's not Sir Bolanos. HAHA.

So there. I'm pretty happy. (And I have new shoes yaaaay! xD)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 @ 2:49 PM

You're an orphan, right? Do you think I'd know the first thing about how hard your life has been ... because I read Oliver Twist? - from Good Will Hunting, 1997

If there was any novel in the entire world which I wanted my own future novel to be in its same vicinity of greatness, I would choose The Lovely Bones.

Never in my life have I read this kind of novel before—powerful and stunning, horrific yet touching, passion radiating with its every word. From the first two lines, it explodes with drama all throughout the next three hundred pages; and it completely grips you, grows on you, exposes you to this family shattered by Susie Salmon's murder—the dead is the narrator. And what would have been shallow and sentimental, had it not been for Alice Sebold, was deep and truly profound; sometimes sweet and even funny. This is probably the most memorable book I've ever read in my life, and the only book I would truly commit to rereading.

And if there was any screenplay in the entire world which I wanted my own future screenplay to be in its same vicinity of greatness, I would choose Good Will Hunting.

With this film, every character in it can be fallen in love with. You find their human flaws and are able to understand them so deeply, profoundly, that it's truly unforgettable. The lines in the film, delivered just brilliantly by the actors, are so stirring, amazing—that I sincerely had moments while watching wherein I had to gasp and whisper to myself, "Wow", in amazement. (And don't laugh at me until you've seen it yourself.) Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote one hell of an exceptional screenplay.

So there we have it: Greatness packed into my memory so vividly, most admirably. (I forget that summer's just about having fun.)

Driven to Nuts
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @ 12:41 AM

A good life is a main argument. - Ben Jonson

Okay so. I'm having problems with the template of my blog, about the comments and that. (I so wish I was better at HTML coding.) But let's leave it at that, otherwise I might go ranting about how I'm extremely frustrated with this.

So I now think Megan Joy is evil—haha. Anyway it's sort of true, the way she dissed Simon and all that. I mean she really had so much potential on the show, but I don't know if she was just too stubborn to listen or she was just truly stuck in a rut, or both. Anyway I'm glad she got cut. She didn't look like she was gonna get any better on the show anyway.

And Kris Allen. LOVE HIM. I mean, not just because he's good-looking and cute and nice and hot, but I really love his style. I think it's super Jason Mraz-y, and I can really imagine how his album would sound like.

Which is why I'm on the fence with Adam Lambert. Of course I love him; he's so brilliant and kind of sexy in the most disappointing of senses in my brain because he's gay and/or drag—but regardless! I just can't imagine what Adam's songs would be like if he wins, unlike how I can with Kris and Matt Giraud (who is awesome) and Allison Iraheta (who is alright). Sure he'll be some sort of rocker, but it's so hard to place. Glam rock, or what? David Bowie or something? I don't know, really. I really don't.

As for Danny Gokey and Anoop Desai. They're just. Meh. They're fine.

Steering away from American Idol, I've been getting really bored. Dangerously bored, actually. And lonely, not to mention. I mean it's such a shithole in my house that I find myself running back and forth from the living room to the kitchen, from up and down the stairs. I mean. That's signs of craziness, right? Ugh. I just hate being stuck here—and without food. GOD. It would be livable to be trapped at home with just my music and my books, but without food? I mean seriously, I didn't even have anything just to microwave a while ago. I hate it; it's driving me nuts.

And I really want to watch Monsters VS Aliens and The Boy in Striped Pajamas! GAH!