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Last Summer Notes
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 1:26 AM

A few hours ago, I got back from a big family dinner at Jozu, which is a so-so Japanese restaurant in (on?) Tomas Morato. It was quite unexpected. I had just woken up from a 13-hour sleep (major LOL) at 5PM, and an hour later my brother tells me to dress up for dinner out—his graduation dinner. To be honest, it's kind of weird thinking of him graduating because, seriously speaking here, an academic achievement is not a likely term to associate with my brother. I'm not saying he's incapable, but he just isn't very serious about education, that's all. I think he's going to be a lawyer ... I think.

Anyway, I'm so excited for this week to come because I finally have a busy week!—for me, at least. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym, as well as this coming Tuesday and Friday. For Monday, I'm going to be practicing piano the whole day until late afternoon, when my teacher will arrive for my lesson. And as for the remaining Wednesday and Thursday, I'll have a movie marathon!—in theaters! 8D

If it pushes through (and I damn well hope it does), Elina, Nasty, and I will meet up at the Podium to see Duplicity, the comedic spy movie with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen—the latter person being one of my all-time favorite actors after I saw him in Children of Men, possibly one of the greatest movies ever made. It was a knockout.

On Thursday, I'll be going to Shang with Krista to see Star Trek, Angels and Demons, and (I suppose) Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. It's going to be a definite movie marathon, and I'm really excited because I haven't seen a movie in theaters since, God, 17 Again—which for me, felt like forever ago. And especially after having that fight with my mom and hence not being able to watch Star Trek, I'm relieved. x)

On a more serious note, Tuesday is also enrollment day, and I think I'll pop in school with my mom, specifically to get forms for the UPCAT—which I know I'm not so prepared for right now as compared to, well, everyone else who actually took review classes; but hell, I think no matter what, I'm not going to allow myself to fail my future. Unlike tests or seatworks, this is my entire life I'm holding with a Mongol No. 2 pencil.

Moving on to even heavier matters, the swine flu is scaring my parents into not traveling to the States anymore, so that promising vacation plan has been abandoned. Especially since the virus has now arrived in our own country, we're going to want to somewhat quarantine ourselves until that thing is gone.

It's hard to believe that senior year is fast approaching, partly because I can't believe I'll be a senior, and also because summer has been so quick just to end in a matter of two weeks. I suppose this is going to be one of my last few entries to post about the summer, and to post without feeling any stress.

Re: AI Season Finale
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 10:57 AM

(At least Adam Lambert won't have that pathetic single about those mountains and hurricanes.)

A Feeling, and Some Magic
@ 4:02 AM

I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians. - Francis Ford Coppola

I know it's 4 in the morning (wow that's a Gwen Stefani song lol), but I just really really had to write a post like, immediately after I saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Seriously, to anyone who has a chance of getting a hold of this movie, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT. No joke. It's the first movie I've seen in such a long time that is truly truly magical. It's not a sentimental shlop of a love story, or a dark dragging period piece. It's really something different and beautiful and wonderful. Really. The movie makes you feel so happy and amazed, and so not in a horribly cheesy, cliche way. It makes you realize the magic that movies, music, and movies and music combined can bring you. It's a stand-out film from anything else I've ever seen. I mean, I'm actually blabbing about this, and going on and on and not making any paragraphs or properly constructed statements because words can't truly express how beautiful this movie is. I've never seen anything like it; the closest that comes to it is probably Juno, but I think that's only mainly because Michael Cera is in it too. This film is so extremely memorable, and wondrous, and it makes you feel something. It gives the audience—it gave me—something to hope for, something to smile about. And after all, that's what we, as viewers, all try to look for in the movies: A feeling, and a slight touch of magic.

Plans and Updates
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 5:51 PM

I haven't posted in what feels like a pretty long time, so I supposed it was finally time to update.

I think, very possibly, that I might be going to the States again, just before the first day of senior year (and it is so weird saying that). I'll just be tagging along with my eldest brother on his business trip to San Francisco so it's basically a trip of convenience. And I still have a visa so it's all good. Although it is a possible thing, I don't think it's very probable. Still. It won't hurt to hope. I've been dying for a real vacation this whole summer, and now it's just right under my nose, if my parents let it happen. This entire summer, now that I really think about it, has been worthless—nothing productive, nothing memorable, nothing remotely fun. I at least want this, and it would be the highlight of my whole summer.

Also, I have finally been able to write something (which is not a poem), since God-knows-when. It's a short story, and a lot of emphasis on the word 'short' because what I wrote is only 300 words, and interestingly, I was able to write it, finish it, and be satisfied with it all in forty minutes or so—which is a huge thing for me. It kept my hopes up that I am still a capable writer, and I can finish the things that I've started. It's probably one of the most productive and substantial things that I've done all season. So thank goodness for it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 7:08 PM

Can I just say: Wow. Like, WOW.

Now that Kris is in the finals, I don't know what to think. Kris is such a contender, and I think he can really kick Adam's ass for the top spot—and that is not good. Adam should, must, has to win American Idol. It's not that Kris isn't awesome, but Adam Lambert has pretty much redefined greatness on that show, and he is totally better than Kris. I think having Danny in the finals instead would have made me less worried for Adam, but since it is Kris, it's all nerves and nail-biting at this point. But I guess that's what makes this season probably the best season ever; you just really, really don't know. And it is good that it's Kris and Adam because they both really are inventive and innovative in their own ways, and they both deserve it. BUT I WANT ADAM TO WIN SO BAD.

And I was so close to seeing David Cook today—in the flesh! D:

Quarter-life Crisis
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Any idiot can face a crisis—it's day to day living that wears you out. - Anton Chekhov

I've been feeling a lot like crap ever since I got tired of just watching movies and listening to music and reading books for my summer. It's as if I'm feeling so much more unfulfilled and worthless in the summer when I can do things, than in school which I absolutely loathe. It's like some freakish version of a crisis: a quarter-life crisis.

But I think that should be enough about my self-hatred and nonfulfillment, because talking about my crappy lifestyle is just going to make me hate myself more—so let's drop that.

So I hope Kris or Danny get eliminated on American Idol. All the performances for rock and roll night were just average for me, even Adam's Led Zeppelin cover. I did, however, became absolutely enthralled with Allison and Adam's duet of Slow Ride by Foghat; I loved it. Definitely a favorite Idol moment.

And after five minutes of thinking of what else to write about, I have discovered that I would die of boredom and loneliness if it wasn't for American Idol. If it wasn't for the show, I wouldn't be up for anything.

Which makes me a loser.

Wolverine! (Shiny.)
Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Striker: Serve your country!
Wolverine: I'm Canadian.
- Major lols from X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I've seen The Jane Austen Book Club five times this entire week! xD Which does make me kind of a freak and/or dork, but nothing else was interesting on TV—other than Enchanted (my third time this week? Ugh.) and Bridge to Terabithia (my first time, thankfully; and it was beautiful!). But I have been able to go out and actually see a movie in theaters now, which is a nice breather: X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


And here's why: It really is just over-exaggerated. It's overly dramatic, and gosh, overly sentimental for such angst-filled and revenge-driven characters—making the actors seem just too much, exaggerating their every expression and every mannerism. The events of the story are just preposterous and ridiculous and, unfortunately for the audience, laughable. I mean, SRSLY. They're just like: Dead alive dead alive dead alive dead alive—GOD CAN YOU JUST DIE ALREADY? Seriously. It's insane. Honestly I really was just waiting for the movie to end, and that is really not good. The best part could've just been seeing Xavier in the last bits. And God was it so cliche!

Plus side to it is that the action scenes and visual effects are stunning, amazing, terrific, brilliant.

But sadly: That's about it. xD