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Stuffed Toy Octopus (Or Lobster)
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 9:27 PM

"Just because you don't know it doesn't mean you won't pass."


My sister, who I often turn to for either random craziness or angst, comforted me like two seconds ago because I am (was) freaking out like REALLY REALLY FREAKING OUT about the UPCAT. Not sure if her comfort made me more complacent (since I am writing a blog entry right now when I have to study O_o), but at least I make more sense of it along the way.

Other matters: During Filipino, Sir Bigs showed us a video of 'Modern Manila' in 1933—and I seriously wanted to cry. Yeah I know most other normal people cry at soppy love dramas and whatnot, but I guess mini-documentaries of my ancestors are my tearjerkers. Because really, that was history. That was LIFE. I saw a video of Filipinos—my country, my people, my blood—live on the same ground that I am now, but only 70-plus years later. Those people may be gone, those people may have been overshadowed by Americans, but every one of them shaped a nation. Call me shallow or weird, but that hit me so hard. Because this time I didn't just actually learn it and study it and know it; it was beyond that. I actually SAW it. That was history. That was life.

Well enough with that and on to grad pictorials, just so that I diffuse some of that serious thinking because it's just a lot right now.

My informal shot ideas:
1. Be a musical note.
2. Be Obama.
3. Put a stuffed toy octopus or lobster on my head and make a cringing face.


Yeah, that worked. =))

Some Crap Movies and Melting Brains
Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 2:24 AM

Well it's 2 in the morning, and I thought, what better way to spend this time than by writing?—provided that I am too lazy and demotivated to study. And since that is the case, I will try as much as I can to avoid talking about academics. My brain's all gross and mushy.

Movies! They make me happy, so Imma talk about the ones I want to watch so bad. O:

My Sister's Keeper : basically because I read the book.

Public Enemies : Michael Mann and Johnny Depp—really, how can I refuse this?

The Proposal : for the extreme cuteness.

500 Days of Summer : Zooey Deschanel! Plus it's getting amazing reviews.

Jennifer's Body : NOT because I like Megan Fox, but seriously, it's produced by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody—it should be good ... right? ._."

The Ugly Truth : I love the Heigl movies! XD And I need soppy romantic comedies right now.

No Reservations : OMG SEE? =)) Too many romantic comedies. XD Plus Aaron Eckhart (though I was never too keen on him) looks pretty cute with Zeta-Jones here ... SHUT UP. D:

The September Issue : looks like a boatload-o-fun documentary.

Harry Potter 6 : AGAIN!

Up : must I even say why?

Cheri : for another taste of the Old English ways, with Michelle Pfeiffer too! And okay fine after seeing the trailer, Rupert Friend is impossible to resist.


The Time Traveler's Wife : I read the book, and the casting is pitch perfect.

The Lovely Bones : read the book too, and it's not until 2010, but Saorsie Ronan? Stanley Tucci? Mark Wahlberg? Rachel Weisz? Susan Sarandon? Produced/directed by Peter Jackson who also made King Kong? Oh come on it's bound to be amazing.

Okay now that I've actually listed down everything, I realize most of my movie choices are shallow. =)) But who cares anyway—I wouldn't just want to see a movie because of the cuteness and /hot/ actors; of course I want the plot and story too. XD Plus my brain is melting and mushy, I don't need any more stress! XD Crap movies are the answer. ;D

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 6:02 PM

Now edited!

You know what? It was actually really good.

(Yeah there are spoilers.)

As one of those people who already read the book but not recently, from my point of view I must say that I was genuinely impressed. I suppose that I couldn't react so much at first because of the fact that I hadn't read the book recently, and so in my subconscious I knew there was something missing. In general terms I would simply call that as knowing it wasn't as great as the book; and of course despite not remembering much of it, there were certainly parts that I wholeheartedly knew were better told, developed, and felt in the book.

But despite all my reservations HP6 was a hell of a movie. I obviously look at it more so as a film independent of its basis rather than a comparison to the book, since I really can't remember much, but from that perspective I truly believe HP6 is a great movie.

I saw it with Tonular and Coco in the IMAX theater in SM, and before I say anything more, I was a total IMAX nub. XD And so when so everything was 3D for the first ten minutes I was so frikkin amazed; I totally felt like I was part of Diagon Alley. =))


Starting off with the bad parts of the film, which actually isn't a lot, firstly, I never got to see Ralph Fiennes. Part of what I felt was missing in the film was the presence of Voldemort. In entire duration of the film, I never got to see Voldemort's face or hear his voice. Rather I only saw memories of him. I had to rely on the other characters to know who he was. It took the Death Eaters, Slughorn, Draco, et cetera, to establish the character of Voldemort. This did not work. Even after five books and five films, I still needed to see him. I needed the actual, physical, present appearance of the Dark Lord. I only got scared of the memories, objects, and characters used to represent Voldemort, but not Voldemort himself. I think the audience really needed to see him in the flesh, at present.

Another bad part of the film was Lupin and Tonks. Not that they weren't a great couple lol, but I greatly disliked (lol greatly disliked) the fact that they were introduced immediately as a couple. Adding this to the fact that they just suddenly appeared, literally out of nowhere in the middle of the film without prior notice, I felt that it was all too assumed. Much of the film relied on the audience's "common" knowledge of certain things about the book. I know the screenwriters probably had no choice to do that, seeing as though it's some 600-page book turned into a mere 2.5 hours of screen time, but it still did not work. HP6 therefore could not stand on its own without the hype Harry Potter has created.

Generally, however, I really did enjoy the film. (Now for the good stuff.) The balance between the laughs and the darkness was in fact quite impressive. I don't think a lot of films can pull of a two-genre film, so to speak, and really transcend the blatant, cliche stupidity of it all. Really. Even if Ron's slow-motion face in Quidditch was excessively cliche, even if the horrible background music was shameless in the Harry/Ginny kissing scene, even if Harry's first time on drugs (Liquid Luck was so drugs) was really just stupid, it still worked. I think it's because the filmmakers and the cast managed to make it so genuinely funny, romantic, and even cliche, that these things completely humanized the Potter world. They were able to show the rampaging hormones in such oddly brilliant and successful humor that this, balanced out with the rest of the film's grimness, became a spectacular achievement for the entire film.

One really surprising thing about the film was Harry/Ginny. I really really felt like the film was able to more successfully establish a good basis for their relationship than the book ever did for me. When I read the book, I loathed Harry/Ginny all throughout, no sympathies for their relationship whatsoever. But the film made it work [more]. They really made it more tolerable and credible (sorry JKR!), and I really did believed them.

The acting was superb, which if anything was already expected. I think after five films and ten years, the actors have already come to know their characters all around, so they embody them quite perfectly—even Michael Gambon. Because when he replaced Richard Harris for HP3, I really disliked genuinely hated him. I was never too sure about that guy, he was just too youthful (lol). This time, however, I thought Michael Gambon was really good. And of course Alan Rickman was brilliant, and Helena Bonham Carter is still epic. Even the minor characters from Lavender Brown to Cormac McLaggen—oh yeah, he was insane. =))

Also, I love that Draco came back. He totally disappeared from the previous films' plots, and it's great that he's returned. One of the greatest things that the film ever did for me was the emotional aspect: When it was time to laugh, you were laughing. When it was time to feel scared, you were shaking. When it was time to feel sad, you were I was crying. And when it was time for a shocker, you nearly jumped out of your seat.

And it was all so genuine. Much of the film, emotionally, really wasn't so forced, and relating this to Draco Malfoy, you were so sorry for him. Tom Felton was impressively able to show that he really can play someone other than Malfoy the school bully, but also Malfoy, the boy scared shitless.

Dumbledore's death was so intense. (YEAHICRIED.) When they replaced his funeral with all of Hogwarts raising their lit wands to the sky, casting out the Dark Mark, it was one of the most significant, symbolic, and genuinely beautiful scenes in the entire film. It was such an intelligent and practical move from the screenwriters, and really an unforgettable part of HP6. It was even more symbolic (for me) than his funeral in the book.

I thought the burning of the Burrow, even though it wasn't in the book, was really significant. It was enough that the screenwriters could do that was apart from the book in order to build the plot more compatibly and effectively for a film. It did a lot for Harry/Ginny (see above) and for the rising power of Voldemort. I liked that part and I appreciated it a lot. I thought it went really well in the story line.

And of course the special effects were amazing blah blah blah. That's like, already a given.

So with all ^ that said, I can now say HP6 was really great. Although it did not live up to its previous 98% Rotten Tomatoes rating (now it's 84% hahaha), I still found it to be genuinely impressive, credible, and cohesive, and it did for me what a movie is supposed to do for an audience. Also, I have finally rested my brain after wrestling with my thoughts about HP6 for some time, and can now safely give the film a 4 out 5.

Yes, the Potters are back. 8)

Good Things
Sunday, July 12, 2009 @ 10:50 AM

I've had a pretty bad day today, and it's only 10AM. But I'm not going to rant right now about all the horrible things that are existing in my life (i.e. my mother), and instead I'm going to talk about some of the good things that have happened to me in the past few days.

First of all, Acquaintance Day—I really wasn't expecting much from it, but it turned out to be the most memorable and most fun Acquaintance Day ever. We played games that were actually fun, and had teacher dance-offs (lol Fomar), and played MJ music. Coz we got our neon. 8D

Next, my teachers. Really. I can't believe I have good teachers. Even my English teacher, who after having Miss Casty last year I did not expect much from—I guess I was being a bit cynical about English IV, because even if we keep talking about values and dying people (which at first you sort of understand but then after a while you just can't take the same crap everyday), I really do like it all-around.

The rest of my teachers are outstanding. No bull. Well, some are just okay HAHA, but it's better than stupid ones lol. Miss Malvas is amazing—she's seriously the best Math teacher I've ever had. I still suck at the subject lol, but she makes Math way more comprehensible and she is just genuinely cool. Even if you ask her to repeat something ten times, she's just always cool with it, and you can tell she really wants you to understand the subject.

Sir Jeff and Sir Bigs are awesome. Sir Jeff is genuine fun plus learning, and Sir Bigs is so rich and obvious with passion for a subject that most people have already neglected. The man is brilliant. You can tell—you really just can—that he loves Filipino. He loves what he's doing. Teachers like that amaze me, you know? You can't find those kinds of people anymore. Fact is, you actually love learning from him, listening to him—not because he has a deep voice lol, but he makes you want to learn. Really, how many teachers in the world can do that?

Last but not the least of the all the good things that are happening in my life right now: this blog. Because now I feel better already. (:

So What?
Saturday, July 4, 2009 @ 7:53 AM

There are two types of people who never once had to prove themselves: White people, and men. I was thinking about this because I was researching issues for the ARP (Academic Research Paper), and I realized that everyone else had to prove that they could do as much, or better—women, blacks, Arabs, even Filipinos.

And currently, gay people are marching, up and down the pavements of California because of same-sex marriage.

And they all want something to prove.

Now, I'm not going to go on and say "let's be good people and treat each other equally", or overused statements like that, but here it goes:

Same-sex marriage should be implemented, and upheld.

I knew this was my stand on the homosexuality issue since way back when, but after English class yesterday, I sort of felt recharged about it, electrified, like I felt like I wanted to do something about it right then and there. We were talking about how human trafficking (not the exact term, but that's essentially it) was integrally a part of some cultures; then I went on to recite and say that regardless of someone's culture, religion, race, traditions—so what? It doesn't matter. Because if you strip those masks, those barriers, those excuses away, each one is a human being. You look at the fact that they are human, not that they are Indian or Chinese or Muslim.  They're human beings who deserve human rights, and they need to be granted, given their justice.

Even if they are gay. Even if they fuck men and they are men, or they fuck women and they are women. Even if they seem insane in a conservative person's mind. Even if the moral strands of one's religion are lingering and disturbing the very nerve cells of the brain. Because they're people too. You are no better nor worse than them. You are neither superior nor inferior. We're the all same, whether one likes to believe it or not. And because we are the same, we must have the equality of rights, the equality of treatment—equality. You can't use God or your gods as an excuse for not giving them that same right that you are privileged enough to have just because you're straight (or whatever), because they deserve it too. They're just like you. They're human beings.

They are people too.