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Even More Crap
Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 12:41 AM

The ACET is finally over! I've been laboring over it like a slave for days, but now it's finally over. I feel a bit depressed though; now I have to live with the anticipation of whether or not I made it—for, oh I don't know, three months.

I'm almost officially out with college matters. After the La Salle exam in October (which I won't even bother to study for anymore after how much I DIED slaving over ACET), I'll finally be free. Although there are still loads of high school projects to deal with (like a comic book, a music video, a rap song, a graduation song, a slum book, a play production, five hours of volunteer work, and the preliminary pages for an investigatory project), at least ACET is over ...

Oh fuck, who am I kidding. I am so gonna die. T_T

School Is Cool?!
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 6:55 PM

Well lookie here, I'm back at the computer and blogging for another Friday of a week. It feels like it was eons ago since I last wrote in my blog, and I totally get it.

This week was great, but it felt like a million years. My crazy sleeping patterns surely had much to do with it, but this time I felt like every night was the day and every day was the night, and all throughout I've been taking round-the-clock paracetamols whilst having this invisible box of textbooks I needed to balance on top of my head. Honestly, TGIF.

But like I said, it's been a great week. We got suspended on Monday (for a grim reason, surely, but it doesn't make the holiday any less gratifying), and again on Wednesday in the middle of the day.

Lectures have been oddly interesting this week. As much as I am against (okay well not against) in considerable disagreement with the entire program for English IV, I found the lecture on poverty to be pretty good. It is the same old stuff about poverty, but the difference is that, now, I can see things in a maturer perspective because I've come to full understanding on many social issues.

Of course Econ is always interesting, and it is seriously not just because of our teacher. XD I enjoy Economics (minus the computation, but I guess I'll have to live with that), and the concepts always make me think and it gets me real curious. About the world, the nation, the local businesses and individuals. Because, well, Econ's related to everything. And seeing everything in an economic perspective—that's something I really like talking about.

And Math. Math, seriously, is so awesome. I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT. =)) But no, seriously, Miss Malvas is insane. I mean, if she got me to somehow like Math and take a genuine interest in the subject, she is incredible. She's just. Like. Amazing. I know I'm not the smartest person in Math or the fastest problem solver in the world, but each time I list down every p and q and p over q, I can't help but be fascinated with it. Maybe 'like' is not the exact word, but most definitely, now, I'm interested in Math more than ever.

Oh yeah, and CLI just cannot BELIEVE that I am actually finding lectures on MORALITY interesting. It's outstanding. If 'transcendence' has always been my favorite word, my least was 'morality'. But now it's like every CL period is this case-study of the world and how humans' morally wrong decisions are not all just morally wrong because it's un-Christian, but because it's just inhuman. It's just, like, really, really cool. o.o

AND YEAH I'M SECOND HONOR. Lolz. Yet I realized it the day after I got my report card, after someone had to tell me, 'No, three Bs do not mean you don't qualify.' Oh what a lie I've been living. XD

Highlights of GATC Week
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 7:38 AM

Monday: District 9
If you haven't seen District 9, I highly recommend that you do. It's a sci-fi movie—but before you start judging the genre of creepy aliens and out-of-this-world creatures, this one is brilliant. District 9 is explosive and full of action, but unlike other big budget blockbusters you see nowadays, like Transformers 2 or GI Joe, it's substantial. District 9 is a real story, undeniably emotional, heart-wrenching, and awe-inspiring. The plot is so intelligent that even the idea of aliens on earth becomes believable. If you haven't seen this film ... seriously, you're missing out.

Tuesday: SongFest

Need I say more? <3

Wednesday: Tales from Mindanao; 2010 Elections talk
Thursday: College Day celebration; Bigkis

The rest of the week was just okay. I think Tales from Mindanao was the most memorable, an amazing play/dance from IPAG.

And that's about it, really. Then today I'm going to spend my Friday reading Mga Ibong Mandaragit. ;_;